The Education System needs a reboot

The Education System needs a reboot
The Outdated Education System
The Outdated Education System is the major root cause for all the issues in India. Training in India is given by people in general segment and also the private segment, with control and financing originating from three levels: central, state and local. Under different articles of the Indian Constitution, free and mandatory training is given as a principal appropriate to youngsters between the ages of 6 and 14. The present Education system was formed by Macaulay for English training in India, particularly through his renowned moment of February 1835. He required an instructive framework that would make a class of anglicized Indians who might fill in as social mediators between the British and the Indians. Everything else in the world changed in about 200 years. But Education system is still revolving around the class room based instruction taking system. During that time, industries required instruction takers and they created such an Education system. Unfortunately, its still being followed. The point/reason for instruction is to develop youngsters into beneficial nationals that utilization their Skills, Talents, knowledge and Imagination to continue themselves and help other people while driving humankind forward in zones of correspondence, value, and agreement. But is it happening now?
Why does this issue exist in India?
India is one of the most powerful country when comes to culture, educational values, human resource, natural resource, talents, military, research etc. The whole world revolves around India when it comes to expanding. Almost all countries looted India for ages, but still it couldn’t destroy the base of India. That strong is India’s culture. But education system requires a reboot which has to be done from the bottom. From preliminary education till PHD, the standards has to be changed. Especially,kids from 1st standard to 12th has to spend their time on finding their passion. But unfortunately, the parents/teachers are not allowing their kids to spend time on their passion. Instead, they want them to run the rat race where who comes first. A kid who is meant to be an artist can’t b happy if he becomes an engineer and vice versa. But still they are forced to be. This is because of lack of awareness programs for both parents and teachers about the present era and creativity of our kids. Our previous generation didn’t do this for us. At least, lets us do it for them.
As a conclusion, these are the few reasons, education system is poor in our country-
- Passion is not being taught in the syllabus ( Importance of doing what you love is not taught. They are not told about being happy)
- Low quality institutions
- Rat race
- Lack of encouragement for out of the box thinkers
- Not teaching life skills, but teaching the distance between earth and mars.
- Demotivated teachers can never motivate students
Solutions done by different people
From long time, many individuals have tried to bring changes to the education system.
E-tuition – A student will learn subjects using the latest technology and apps. I don’t know how much it works. But surely compared to the school classroom based education, its the best. But here also the student is learning what the teachers were teaching in the classroom.
- No self-discipline. …
- No face-to-face interaction. …
- Lack of flexibility. …
- Lack of input from trainers. … Slow evolution. …
- Good e-learning is difficult to do. …
- Lack of transformational power.
Problem-Based Learning
Obviously it is a best way to make kids learn. Advantages of Problem-Based Learning
- Development of Long-Term Knowledge Retention
- Use of Diverse Instruction Types
- Continuous Engagement
- Development of Transferable Skills
- Improvement of Teamwork and Interpersonal Skills
Disadvantages of Problem-Based Learning
- Potentially Poorer Performance on Tests
- Student Unpreparedness
- Teacher Unpreparedness
- Time-Consuming Assessment 5. Varying Degrees of Relevancy and Applicability
Skill-based training
Skill-based training has emerged as one approach that ties skills directly to job roles. This type of training addresses the broad range of skills required to do a certain job by offering courses in modules that students can progress through. Course requirements are based on an individual’s current skill level, and are no longer related to specific prerequisite courses. The focus of skill-based training is to make learning immediately applicable in a job.
How Science & Technology can be implemented for the reboot of educational system?
- In Denmark, for instance, the name of the pertinent new subject is ‘Nature and Technology’.
- As an educational modules segment, be that as it may, ‘innovation’ is regularly befuddling and ambiguous. In a few nations, innovation is put with regards to ‘structure and innovation’ (as in England and Wales). In different nations, the term innovation infers present day data innovation and ICT. Also, in a few places the pressure is on the specialized (and hidden logical) parts of innovation while, in others, accentuation is set on the connections of science, innovation and society.
- Thoughtfulness regarding innovation, utility and functional models is frequently used to assemble trust in the kids since, through innovation, they can come to comprehend that science and innovation are tied in with knowing as well as about doing and making thing work.
Information and communication technologies (ICT) are items that are unmistakably connected with science and innovation, not slightest in light of the fact that the ‘equipment’ comprises of science-based advances and the ‘product’ depends upon fundamental arithmetic. Thus, the basic physical and specialized thoughts are to an expanding degree treated as essential and unmistakable parts of school science and innovation educational module.
Notwithstanding, ICT likewise gives new apparatuses that can be utilized in showing science and innovation. The entire scope of ordinary programming is utilized, including databases, spreadsheets, measurable and graphical projects. Moreover, demonstrating, representation and the reenactment of procedures are vital. ICT is additionally utilized for requiring some investment arrangement of estimations of a wide assortment of parameters (‘data logging’).
Science and innovation are probably going to be key components of methodologies to create ICT as an asset for advancing instructing and learning. Almost certainly, science and innovation educators are better prepared, by prudence of their preparation, for this undertaking than a significant number of their associates, in spite of the fact that they, as well, are probably going to need their aptitudes raised to-date by methods for appropriate preparing programs.
Every schools should have technology based classrooms which enables even common man’s child also to have an overview about technology and its reach. Learning should be with videos of real life. When the teacher is teaching about photosynthesis, the videos should be showing how the plants prepare food using sunlight. More than lectures, a student will never forget the visuals which he has seen. A kid who read Harry potter novel and seen the Harry Potter movie will more likely remember the scenes than the novel. So the idea is to use technology to give the child a visual experience of what he is learning.
How can this issue be addressed by an entrepreneur?
I am an entrepreneur. And I would call myself as a social entrepreneur, who is
actively doing what all we just demonstrated above. Difference between an entrepreneur and a businessman is, a businessman buys a watermelon from a market for Rs. 5 and sell it for Rs. 10. But an entrepreneur will buy watermelon for Rs. 5 from a market and sell watermelon juice for Rs. 20. But a social entrepreneur is someone who actually buy watermelon for Rs. 5 and then convince the government, NGO or such social bodies to pay Rs. 25 per juice for giving free juice to the areas where people dying of thirsty.
Always social entrepreneurs are the ones who always empowered the nation using innovative concept. So when it comes to education, there is a lot of students who needs guidance and support from successful business models. I am the CEO/Founder of Whizz Europa Passion Research & Development Center. Whizz Europa is in a mission to reboot the education system in India by implementing a new tool/syllabus into the education system, i.e; Passion. Whizz Europa found that Education System which is being followed did not undergo any changes or updates since 1800’s. The education system which was formed during the industrial age was formed to make sure that people can take instructions and execute it well. But in the present world, the current generation is so creative and enthusiastic so they are looking forward to that reboot of the system. Whizz Europa takes up this responsibility.
When there is an issue, there will be a solution. And if the solution is being given by a group of people with passionate minds, there arises a successful business model. Whizz Europa is a platform for passionate people. In it’s journey it realized that people are not at all happy as they are doing what they don’t love. So Whizz Europa decided to be a Research & Development center which is researching only on the concept Passion. We deal with every age groups. Whizz Europa found that Education System which is being followed did not undergo any changes or updates since 1800’s. The education system which was formed during the industrial age was formed to make sure that people can take instructions and execute it well. But in the present world, the current generation is so creative and enthusiastic so they are looking forward to that reboot of the system. Whizz Europa takes up this responsibility.
When there is an issue, there will be a solution. And if the solution is being given by a group of people with passionate minds, there arises a successful business model. Whizz Europa is a platform for passionate people. In it’s
journey it realized that people are not at all happy as they are doing what they don’t love. So Whizz Europa decided to be a Research & Development center which is researching only on the concept Passion. We deal with every age groups.
We are creating a new Industry- Passion.
It’s just connected. We have solution for all the issues that a human being face from the stage of kid till being an old guy. Everybody is craving for doing what they love. Here is where we would love to provide them solution. We started our research to find out what is lacking in people’s life. Then we found that it’s just loving what they do. We struggled a lot to find the reason. And that’s passion. We developed a lot of products and services to help people do what they love.
- Skills
- Talents
- Knowledge
- Imagination
- Skills- These are the abilities which you get after a training, exposure or experience in something.
- Talents- These are the abilities which you get by birth.
- Knowledge- These are the information which you have after learning about particular topics.
- Imagination- The creativity/innovation which you use for bringing new methods for executing the existing thing.
When these four coincides at one point, that is called PASSION.
We can be passionate at anything if we know what are these four pillars of passion in us. For each person, it can be different. Life is all about using these four pillars to enjoy success.
Whizz Europa stands for Passion and passionate people. We have researched enough modules to help people with our findings. We are just gonna make the world passionate through our different products.
Passion Development Programs in Schools This service is for anyone who would like to understand and pursue their passion. We don’t want young generation to waste their time doing what they are not meant for. A fish and a monkey are not put in the same test if its Whizz Europa. We give them different tests. We are right now focussing on Under 17 Students as we understand prevention is better than rectification. Our modules will help your child to be come the best in what they are already good at. We are working with many schools and students to make sure there is a good generation coming up.
So by implementing passion in to the syllabus we can make sure the schools will have more passionate students coming out with proper focus and knowledge about where to reach in life.

Written By
Abhishek Sasidharan